“Tai Chi Wu Italia” teaches and promotes the spread of Tai Chi Chuan Wu Style, which M° Roberto Carretti has been practising since 1978. Since 2011, the school has been part of ‘Wu Taij Jing Xiu Tang’ of Master Master Zhou Zhong Fu (Shanghai) as the only representative in Italy.
“Tai Chi Wu Italia” insegna e promuove la diffusione del Tai Chi Chuan Stile Wu che il M° Roberto Carretti pratica dal 1978. Dal 2011 la scuola entra a far parte della “Wu Taij Jing Xiu Tang” del M° Caposcuola Zhou Zhong Fu (Shanghai) come unica rappresentante in Italia.
Contact: Roberto Carretti
Address: Via Caffaro 30 – Genova – Italy
Phone: +39 320 082 3915