Oleg Nekrasa met shifu Zhou Zhongfu in 2008 in Shangai. Thanks to this meeting, the practice of Taiji Wu style took on a profound meaning and revealed all facets of the true spirit of Taijiquan.
Master Zhou Zhongfu’s Shanghai School and all Taiji brothers became a true family for Oleg.
The creation of the Taiji Jing Xiu Tang Union became the logical continuation of the union of wonderful people and teachers on the principles and philosophy of Taiji, the bearer of which is Master Zhou Zhongfu.
Taiji Jing Xiu Tang Poland continues to spread the Taiji Wu style (creating Wu Jianquan) in Eastern Europe. We are happy to be part of our large Taiji family.
Poland, Wroclaw.
Contact: Oleg Nekrasa.
email: wuweiwood@gmail.com
Facebbok page: @oleg.nekrasa
Phone: +48782031061